Saturday, February 21, 2009

Going away party at Miraj railway station

This is Mohan, our cook at Fletcher hall donning the flower garland that Timothy brought. Timothy is on the left, Monsieur le Chatigre on the right, I love that guy! Really all 3 of them. But chatigre has the best name of anyone I've met so far: He's from Cote D'Ivoire, native tongue is French, last name means "cat tiger", full name is Konan Justin Chatigre, only when you're reading it you must use a heavy french accent and correct pronunciation, otherwise, it's just not the same. At the hospital, he is Doctor Chatigre, but to me he is Monsieur le Chatigre. His English is not good, so we communicated in French/English. I really enjoyed his company and trying to talk to him in a variety of ways. He was planning to stay in Miraj for 3 months, but due to language issues, he's leaving after a month and a half.

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