Friday, February 20, 2009

Bore Well for the new Hospice House in Miraj

Big news! The truck arrived 9 am Friday morning and dug 200 feet in 4+ hours, yielding water for the new hospice building (soon to be built) and the Home of Hope Orphanage next door. It cost about $200 or 10,000 rupees for the job. The exact spot for digging was chosen by a boy who was born breach (feet first) and therefore able to find water using a coconut in his upturned palm. He walked around the grounds and when the coconut tipped, that was the spot for digging. I wish I could have seen the "water witching" process. But anyway, we know it worked, because we definitely got water. They had to keep adding lengths of pipe for the drilling. At 100 feet, wet mud was coming up, so we were thrilled.

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