Friday, January 30, 2009


Priti is the youngest child at the orphanage. She is almost 3 months old and
has been here since she was born. About a month ago she developed bronchitis
and had to be fed with a tube when she quit eating. She is better now.



  1. Hi! It is Jen, friend of Lane's. How are you? How are th ings giong up there?
    Matt and I plan top be north in about a week. We will be near Hrdiwar in about two weeks or two and a halfweeks I would gues. Are you giong to be there then?
    I would love to come meet you. I don't know if we told you , but I am a social worker and Matt is an internal medicine doc. Maybe we could help, if even for a day?
    Anyway, feel free to email me:
    Hope to hear from you, and hope you are well.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful baby! I'm surprised that you didn't sneak her onto the train with you... Hugs, Steph
