Friday, January 30, 2009


Everynight there is a ritual in Babaji's room that involves quite a bit of
ruckus, chaos and unmitigated joy with a tinge of pranking. Everyone is
invited to come to Babaji's room for games, reading and hanging out. Babaji or
a child sitting next to him on his elevated chair of honor flings a piece of
foil wrapped chocolate to the person entering the room. That person attempts
to catch it and then eventually eats it, balling up the foil for ammunition to
pelt others in the room. Adults and children run around collecting foil balls
to throw at one another. Meanwhile, people are playing board games, reading
aloud to children, talking, laughing, enjoying the fun. The noise level
generally gets quite high. After about 1/2 hour of this, the children leave to
go eat their supper.end #

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