Friday, February 20, 2009

The Big Surgery

Glad to report that Rukminibai's surgery went smoothly. She had a MVR, mitral valve replacement and a tricuspid repair. It took 5-6 hours. She was scheduled for surgery on her youngest son's birthday, Monday Feb. 16, but an emergency case came in at 5:00 that morning, and her surgery had to be postponed. There is only one heart surgeon here in Miraj at Wanless Hospital. So we were all ready to go on Monday up until 12 noon, when we were informed it had to be postponed until the next day, that's after waiting 8 days from her arrival in Miraj. She is still in ICU and will be discharged this coming Thursday the 26th of February. She'll stay in Miraj another 8 days by request of the surgeon for follow-up so that he can "keep an eye on her blood", presumably clotting factors and all. That's apparently a delicate balance after valve replacement. Dr. Pargaonkar, the cardio-thoracic surgeon is pictured above, consulting with my father. (Actually, I think they're looking at a camera, but who needs to know that?)


  1. Wow- what progress you are making on many fronts. Congrats on the water find. Also, glad to hear the surgery went well, and hope she continues to heal just fine. How long will you be in Miraj? Love to see the pictures. I am really missing the place. Thought about checking out ticket prices to come back! Janet

  2. I'm gone from Miraj now. Left last night, arrived Mumbai this morning, and am here now, killing time in an internet cafe while I await my flight to Bangaluru. It was hard leaving the cushy, known environment of Fletcher Hall. Mohan, Timothy and Dr. Chatigre all assisted me in getting on the train. That was a trip, just finding the right compartment. My ticket said "wait list", but Mohan and Timothy found my assigned spot while Dr. Chatigre toted bags. I sat in a crowded car waiting. Oh to have Marathi speaking friends at such times!
